
Water Security

Focused on sustainable clean water supply to all residents

Education Security

Education is key for our children and their future, we are there to support the initiatives

Financial Security

We provide and arrange funding, guarantees and systematic underwriting for Living Security products and services

ICT Security

IT is an integral part of society and we want to ensure connectivity and opportunities in the field

Energy Security

We provide Energy Security to all our clients by means of focused risk mitigation “Energy Vault” installations

Products that promote "Sustainable Living"

LiveSure is positioning itself to be the first South African Living Security “ensurance” / Warranty Program Provider.

“Living Security”, per our definition, includes human/citizen needs for energy, water, food, education, mobility, connectivity, health and financial inclusion. Livesure can only achieve solutions on this scale and at this time through its joint venture partnerships with co-insureres, underwriters, suppliers and operators and has for this reason chosen the best available contractors and service providers.

LiveSure’s initial client base is the South African Government, State Owned Company’s (“SOC’s), Local Authorities, Special Economic Zones (SEZ's), Corporates, Gated Communities and Private Individuals and we provide these clients with “ensurance” solutions to Living Security, infrastructure needs and commensurate financial losses faced daily by almost everyone in society.

LiveSure’s full product range will in due course consist of most aspects of the protection of daily human needs (“Living Security”), taking into account the regulatory environment, existing service delivery and Constitutional rights, Central-, Provincial- and Municipal obligations of the Public at large as well as the requirements of private individuals and corporates.

Since Energy Security plays such a major role with regard to our Living Security needs, it is LiveSure Group’s first focus to create the “Ensurance” / Protection Plan / Warranty tools to underwrite the relevant risks.

Energy is the catalyst for a number of other human sustainability needs. It provides the backbone for the delivery of clean water and sanitation, food production, medical facilities, ICT connectivity and commercial & industrial activities as part of Local Economic Development (“LED”) initiatives, also providing villages / towns with access to power, new or existing housing projects for their energy supply, as well as schools and other similar institutions with power and connectivity.

Choosing an “Ensurance” / Protection Plan / Warranty route to solve a power generation / distribution, shifting, shaving, metering, load shedding / outage problem is innovative. It is the same rationale for a customer to protect him / herself / itself against a commercial risk / medical loss, damage, illness, disability or death, in return for payment of a specified premium - except it has not yet been done before in Africa.

Generic Benefits To All Product Categories

Benefit 1

Customers generally receive Energy Security protection in exchange for a simplified “One Payment” per time period in an "Ensurance" / Warranty Power Purchase Agreement substituting their normal utility bill payment.

The LiveSure Group’s Municipal and Corporate Energy Vault Programs provide Energy Security through Power Purchase Agreements that can act as financial instruments. We have created a virtual platform for generation, aggregation and wheeling of power to provide the Utility and the various Municipalities in South Africa with the generated capacity and power trading mechanisms needed to prevent load-shedding without the loss of income to the Utility Provider, the Municipalities or other customers.

Generic Benefits To All Product Categories

Benefit 2

A second benefit of this innovative solution is that a constant energy supply for providers of bulk water provides the catalyst for them to be able to provide “Water Security”, which is an even bigger risk than Energy Security. In fact, energy has monetary and human livelihood implications with certain declared minimums, but water is a constitutional right.

Generic Benefits To All Product Categories

Benefit 3

A third benefit to all clients of the LiveSure Group is a 24-hour uninterrupted secured power supply with between 57% and 80% renewable energy (depending on load profile) that can be certified “green” at an affordable tariff and with reasonable escalations that are significantly less than the Utility’s 9% - 19% energy price increases we have been experiencing over the past decade.

The LiveSure so-called “ONE PAYOR” Program not only provides debt relief (where appropriate), but simultaneously is engineered to create the platform to provide local authorities with the generated capacity and trading / wheeling mechanism solutions needed to prevent load-shedding without loss of income to the Utility Provider, the Municipalities or other Corporate and Industrial Bulk Energy Users.