InovaSure and LiveSure Programs

Navigate through the accordion and click on the Apply Button to apply for the relevant program participation.


EnergSure for Gated Communities - E4GC

E4GC is an innovative concept that InovaSure has converted to a product and is positioning itself to be the first SOUTH AFRICAN LIVING SECURITY PROGRAM for GATED COMMUNITIES. In order to be able to achieve this goal, InovaSure has entered into various Joint Ventures with network partners and affiliates.

InovaSure’s intent is to assist Gated Community Trustees / Administrators with the energy provision related challenges that they are facing.

We believe that choosing a Protection Plan / Warranty route to "ensure" a power generation / storage / distribution / metering / load shedding / outage problem combined with a telecommunication solution is very innovative. Traditionally, insurance companies provide clients against a commercial risk or medical loss, damage, illness, disability or death and suchlike in return for payment of a contracted ONE PAYOR premium, but do not cover these realities.

Accredited gated communities, through the auspices of their Trustees or Administrative structures, will qualify for a custom-made enerGsecure E4GC Program.

Our E4GC Program is described as the following:

The “ensured” dispatch, storage, stable distribution and metering of a secure supply of energy by InovaSure to a designated GATED COMMUNITY in return for a monthly all inclusive Payment over the Service Level Agreement's lifespan.

Apply for the E4GC Program
Village Connectivity Program - E4VC

LiveSure’s integrated E4VC program ensures the ongoing security of connectivity through the installation and maintenance our proprietary “AfriPOP’s” in accredited villages.

The “AfriPOP” is a power generation and storage as well as telecommunication proprietary unit with various applications specifically designated for the use of villages, consisting of - typically - an average of 40 homes. The units can be scaled or duplicated if villages are larger. Green Energy is generated through renewable energy.

The power is stored in battery packs for household units that powers basic household lighting needs as well as cell phone connections.

The AfriPOP also provides a communal EduSure meeting point with restricted connectivity to educational or other content.

The AfriPOP also provides a communal “EduSure” meeting point with restricted connectivity to educational or other content. For one monthly payment, the E4VC “ensures” villages of continued connectivity with a secure supply of energy for the connectivity requirements of villagers.

A villager will be able to connect via the AfriPOP to a secure mobile settlement platform with SPAZA shops, receive SASSA payments, pay a taxi driver for travel and insurance whilst in transit, buy airtime, basic medicine, cash food coupons, pay insurance premiums, deposit cash and be generally financially empowered.

Apply for the E4VC Program
Local Authority / SEZ EnergSure Program - LAEP

InovaSure’s integrated power solution program allows for the generation of Green Energy, which is then stored and shifted through an energy demand / supply management system of which the end result will be a constant supply of energy to Local Authorities, and Special Economic Zones (SEZ's).

In order to maintain a stable supply, a measurement and compensation method has been designed in the form of an “ensurance” product, i.e. “LOCAL AUTHORITY & SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE ENERGSURE“ PROGRAM.

It is a“Power Protection Plan” product which is combined with a Capital Markets Program, offsetting capital requirements and referencing the risks and economic realities as well as complying with all the relevant Government and Industry stakeholders’ regulatory requirements and Government Departmental Governance Procedures.

The LAEP Product will provide, through proprietary means, Energy Security to the Local Authority and relevant SEZ in exchange for one monthly ENERGY SECURITY SERVICE FEE.

InovaSure and its partners will introduce assets onto the Local Authority’s balance sheet, then become the usufructury user of the assets and provide generation, storage, shifting, shaving distribution, metering and regulatory issue.

Authorities and SEZ's should have the following information available when applying for an LAEP plan:

Total average energy usage per calendar month for the last 12 months;

Total cost for the power used per time period;

Total consumption of peak power;

Tariff paid for peak power;

Total consumption of off-peak (base load) power;

Tariff paid for peak power;

Total consumption of off-peak (base load) power;

Tariff paid for off-peak power;

Total outstanding debt to the Utility Provider as of a specific date;

Number of computers used presently;

Number of computers used presently;

Number of connection points for connectivity in the Municipal Offices;

How many smart meters are installed (if any)?

InovaSure will assess the above information and present the Local Authority customer with an LAEP Plan quotation.

The Municipality (or the relevant SEZ) follows all the correct governance steps and obtains Council and other relevant approvals for the arrangement.

A special purpose ESMA Agreement (Energy Security Management and Administration Agreement) is entered into and a monthly fee replaces the outstanding debt to the Utility Provider.

* Prospective Clients can also make contact with us direct at for further information and assistance with regard to the Application for the relevant "Ensurance" / Warranty Cover. Prospective Clients will be required to complete a confidential questionnaire and Due Diligence process, after which accreditation will take place and Clients will be provided with indicative terms and conditions for consideration by their decision-making bodies.

Apply for the LAEP Program
EnerGsure for Corporates - E4C

E4C is an innovative concept that InovaSure has converted to a product and is positioning itself to be the first SOUTH AFRICAN ENERGY SECURITY PROGRAM for CORPORATE / INDUSTRIAL USERS and STATE OWNED COMPANIES. In order to be able to achieve this goal, InovaSure entered into various Joint Ventures with network partners and affiliates.

InovaSure’s intent with the E4C program is to assist Corporates and Industrial customers with the energy provision related challenges that they are facing.

The E4C program is described as the following:

The “ensured” dispatch, storage, stable distribution and metering of a secure supply of energy by InovaSure to a designated Corporate or Industrial Customer in return for a monthly Service Level Fee.

We believe that choosing an service level route to “ensure” a power generation / storage / distribution / metering / load shedding / outage problem combined with a telecommunication solution is very innovative. Traditionally insurance companies provide clients against a commercial risk or medical loss, damage, illness, disability or death and suchlike in return for payment of a contracted ONE PAYOR premium, but do not cover these realities.

Accredited Corporates or Industrial Customers, through the auspices of their Board of Directors or Administrative structures, will qualify for a custom-made E4C Program.

Corporate users or authorities should have the following information available when applying for an E4C Program:

Total average energy usage per calendar month for the last 12 months;

Total cost to corporate / industrial property owner for the energy used per time period;

Total cost for the power used per time period;

Total consumption of peak power;

Tariff paid for peak power;

Total consumption of off-peak (base load) power;

Tariff paid for off-peak power;

Total outstanding debt to a Municipality or other supplier (Utility Provider) as of a specific date.

InovaSure will assess the above information and present the Corporate or industrial Property owner with an E4C Program quotation for reference of their designated decision-making body.

The decision-making body follows all the correct governance steps and obtains relevant approval for the legal contract.

The Agreement is issued and a monthly service fee paid to InovaSure.

* Prospective Clients can also make contact with us direct at for further information and assistance with regard to the Application for the relevant "Ensurance" / Warranty Cover. Prospective Clients will be required to complete a confidential questionnaire and Due Diligence process, after which accreditation will take place and Clients will be provided with indicative terms and conditions for consideration by their decision-making bodies.

Apply for the E4C Program
Energy Security for Schools - ESS

Accredited schools, through the auspices of Provincial and Government departments, may qualify for a custom made “EduSure” [Education Security] Power Program “Ensurance” Cover.

The ESS Program includes the following:

The “ensured”, uninterrupted dispatch, storage, distribution and metering of a secure supply of energy by InovaSure in return for a single monthly Energy Security management service fee over the relevant program / agreement (ESMA) lifespan.

The ESS Program is closely linked with the LiveSure “Thin Client” product and service and the InovaSure broad based Energy Security products for local authorities, corporates, individuals, gated communities and SOC’s.

School authorities should have the following information available when applying for an ESS plan:

Total average energy usage per calendar month for the last 12 months;

Total cost-to-school for the power used per time period;

Total consumption of peak power;

Tariff paid for peak power;

Total consumption of off-peak (base load) power;

Tariff paid for off-peak power;

Total outstanding debt to the relevant Municipality or other supplier (Utility Provider) as of a specific date.

InovaSure will assess the above information and present the Local Authority customer with an ESS quotation addressed to the designated decision-making body.

Through this process, the school authority follows all the correct governance steps and obtains relevant approval for the legal contract.

The ESMA (Energy Security Management and Administration Agreement) is entered into and a monthly service fee paid to InovaSure.

* Prospective Clients can also make contact with us direct at for further information and assistance with regard to the Application for the relevant "Ensurance" / Warranty Cover. Prospective Clients will be required to complete a confidential questionnaire and Due Diligence process, after which accreditation will take place and Clients will be provided with indicative terms and conditions for consideration by their decision-making bodies.

Apply for the ESS Program
Point of Presence Program - AFRIPOP

LiveSure, in conjunction with InovaSure and other collaborators, facilitates a Property Assessment learnership program for estate agents and property assessors.

InovaSure, in terms of this program, will provide, for instance, the Estate Agaency Affairs Board (EAAB), the Department of Human Settlements and other related departments and organisations with energy / ICT solutions in terms of “Thin Client” technology in the form of used and converted shipping container units (AfriPOP’s) placed in strategic positions where they can be used as a hub to service the community in terms of its educational, energy, water and entrepreneurial needs (EnergSure and CloudSure “Thin Client” solutions with “ensurance” for the combination product).

The installation and maintenance of InovaSure's proprietary “AfriPOP’s” take place in accredited villages where the need has been identified.

The “AfriPOP” is in essence a power dispatch and storage as well as telecommunication unit with various applications specifically designated for the use of villages, consisting of - typically - an average of 40 homes. The units can be scaled or duplicated if villages are larger. Green Energy is generated / dispatched through renewable energy installations.

The power is stored in battery packs for household units that powers basic household lighting needs as well as cell phone connections.

The AfriPOP also provides a communal “EduSure” meeting point through our “Thin Client” technology with restricted connectivity to educational or other content supplied by collaborators such as, for instance, Rapid Blue.

For one monthly payment, the AfriPOP "ensures" the relevant community members of continued connectivity with a secure supply of energy for the connectivity requirements.

A villager will also be able to connect via the AfriPOP to a secure mobile settlement platform with SPAZA shops, receive SASSA payments, pay a taxi driver for travel and insurance whilst in transit, buy airtime, basic medicine, cash food coupons, pay insurance premiums, deposit cash and be generally financially empowered.


When finalised, the agreement is issued and a monthly payment is paid to InovaSure.

* Prospective Clients can also make contact with us direct at for further information and assistance with regard to the Application for the relevant "Ensurance" / Warranty Cover. Prospective Clients will be required to complete a confidential questionnaire and Due Diligence process, after which accreditation will take place and Clients will be provided with indicative terms and conditions for consideration by their decision-making bodies. ​​​

Apply for the AFRIPOP Program

WaterSure is an Insurance product that is focused on providing Energy Security for producers of sustainable clean water to all consumers that are entitled to receive water from our clients.

Accredited Corporates or Industrial Customers, through the auspices of their Board of Directors or Administrative structures, will qualify for a custom-made WaterSure Program.

A single monthly fee in terms of the relevant Water Security and Management and Administration Agreement is paid to InovaSure.

* Prospective Clients can also make contact with us direct at for further information and assistance with regard to the Application for the relevant energy security protection, "Ensurance" / Warranty Cover. Prospective Clients will be required to complete a confidential questionnaire and Due Diligence process, after which accreditation will take place and Clients will be provided with indicative terms and conditions for consideration by their decision-making bodies.

Apply for the WatserSure Program


The One Payor Debt Conversion Plan - OPDC

Accredited Municipalities, through authorised representatives / mandatees, will qualify for a custom made FinSure OPDC PLAN. It is mandatory for OPDC Plan applicants to become a Client through the LAEP Program.

The OPDC PLAN includes the following:

The conversion of the Local Authority’s existing Utility Provider debt to InovaSure in return for a monthly energy security management service fee to ensure ongoing Energy Security for Local Authorities i.e. Cities / Municipalities / Villages.

Local Authorities should have the following information available when applying for an OPDC plan:

Total average energy usage per calendar month for the last 12 months;

Total cost to the Municipality for the power used per time period;

Tariff paid for peak power;

Total consumption of off-peak (base load) power;

Tariff paid for off-peak power;

Total outstanding debt to the Utility Provider as of a specific date.

InovaSure will assess the above information and present the Local Authority customer with an OPDC “Plan” quotation.

In this manner, the Municipality follows all the correct governance steps and obtains Council and other relevant approval for the arrangement.

The ESMA Agreement is issued and a monthly fee replaces the outstanding debt to the Utility Provider.

* Prospective Clients can also make contact with us direct at for further information and assistance with regard to the Application for the relevant "Ensurance" / Warranty Cover. Prospective Clients will be required to complete a confidential questionnaire and Due Diligence process, after which accreditation will take place and Clients will be provided with indicative terms and conditions for consideration by their decision-making bodies. ​​​

Apply for the OPDC Program


Smart Meter Connectivity - SMC

LiveSure’s integrated Smart Meter Connectivity program utilising LiveSure's “Thin Client” technology “ensures” the ongoing connectivity security through the use of a sophisticated but inexpensive device (“InovaThin”), which is an integral part of the smart metering system that is installed in all classrooms of our customer schools and homes of our customer Municipalities as part of the SMC program.

Through the use of our SMC Proprietary products, we can ensure that schools, individual students and other educational institutions become empowered to provide education programs via innovative electronic technology with the flexibility of relevant content addition. Educational technology provides a teaching platform in and out of the classroom.

In substituting the education fee with an "ensurance" program, LiveSure - through it’s SMC products and partners such as Rapid Blue, provides the best ICT and IT technology to schools, students and educational facilities, thereby ensuring the delivery of educational material in the most cost effective way. This, we believe, is an innovative solution to Africa’s need for education and training.

We at LiveSure have combined the InovaSure and SMC projects into a pilot program, which is offered to schools. This “EduSure” program offers the following solutions:

Provides for the option that classroom Wi-Fi, cloud-based connectivity for the teacher / learners benefit can be replaced by an electronic "Thin Client" device and "dumb terminal" as the alternative for learner’s books, heavy school bags, homework and research methodology. This will replace the high-risk tablets and other devices being promoted and contemplated currently. Computing capabilities are made available centrally as well as decentralized to supply server capability to the network inclusive of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) and Video on Demand (VOD) and Thin Client Execution of Virtual Computing and integrated mobile phone applications.

Provides for the option that classroom Wi-Fi, cloud-based connectivity for the teacher / learners benefit can be replaced by an electronic "Thin Client" device and "dumb terminal" as the alternative for learner’s books, heavy school bags, homework and research methodology. This will replace the high-risk tablets and other devices being promoted and contemplated currently. Computing capabilities are made available centrally as well as decentralized to supply server capability to the network inclusive of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) and Video on Demand (VOD) and Thin Client Execution of Virtual Computing and integrated mobile phone applications.

We simultaneously install renewable and / or alternative energy power dispatch and distribution equipment on and /or off site, sufficient to supply the needs of the Client on an uninterrupted basis (free of load-shedding / black-outs).

This allows Clients to budget for a once-off monthly payment to LiveSure, thereby offsetting the risk of energy insecurity, which also directly affects the education of learners.


For one monthly payment, the SMC "ensures" schools and individual learners with regard to access to a secure localized [SA] cloud based pedagogy Wi-Fi connection.

Through the use of inexpensive "dumb terminals, the learners can have uninterrupted access to the Pedagogy Cloud, provided and curated by LiveSure's collaborators such as Rapid Blue, with the assistance of teachers, to download all standardized curriculums for children on an on- or offline basis.


If online, the learners will be linked into the national school curriculum and will receive, by choice, real time or teacher-elected grade content & lectures across the country or on a provincial level. The Education Authorities will monitor the content and the use of the SMC program will be "ensured" by LiveSure and its sub-contracted network partners and affiliates.

Information to be provided:

​When finalised, the agreement is issued and a monthly payment is paid to LiveSure.

* Prospective Clients can also make contact with us direct at for further information and assistance with regard to the Application for the relevant "Ensurance" / Warranty Cover. Prospective Clients will be required to complete a confidential questionnaire and Due Diligence process, after which accreditation will take place and Clients will be provided with indicative terms and conditions for consideration by their decision-making bodies. ​​

Apply for the SMC Program

GovSure is an "Ensurance" product insuring the most advanced and secure Information Communication Technology solutions to Government to electronically execute E-Governance.

GovSure is in the process of being developed in partnership with the Government on various levels providing the following E-Government services:

Access control

Biometrics depository

E-mail security


Improved connectivity, data security and manageability

Intrusion detections systems

Live streaming for Educational, business and individual virtual communication.


Network access control

Personalized Internet application

Security audits


Thin client technology G2C / G2G and G2Employee interface


Vulnerability scanning

Website hosting


When finalised, the agreement is issued and a monthly payment is made to LiveSure.

* Prospective Clients can also make contact with us direct at for further information and assistance with regard to the Application for the relevant "Ensurance" / Warranty Cover. Prospective Clients will be required to complete a confidential questionnaire and Due Diligence process, after which accreditation will take place and Clients will be provided with indicative terms and conditions for consideration by their decision-making bodies.

Apply for the GovSure Program

ITSure is an “ensurance” product “ensuring” the most advanced and secure Information Communication Technology solutions to certain categories of users such as groups, associations, individuals, businesses and educational institutions.

ITSure is a product initiated by InovaSure in partnership with Technology Partners providing the following service:

Improved connectivity, data security and manageability

Thin client technology

Access control

Email security


Intrusion detections systems


Network access control

Vulnerability scanning

Security audits



Website hosting

Personalized Internet application

Live streaming for Educational, business and individual virtual communication.


INOVASURE has developed a governance system referred to as the LIVESURE TRUSTED CENTRE (“LTC”). This is the core of its operations and the basis on which warranty and service level agreements are issued. In effect we “ensure” a process and not trading cycle participants.

All governance matters are dealt with in the LTC on the basis of transparency and the use of tools such as “internet of things” applications, real time funds tracking, biometrics bank, secure communication, external audits, ISO standard procedures and suchlike which are top of the priority list in the LTC.

Insurance wrapping of the LiveSure Trusted Center process is also carried out and apart from the governance and compliance benefits, the net effect is that it brings down transactional cost dramatically in supplying the InovaSure product range. When finalised, the cover is provided and a monthly fee is paid to InovaSure.

* Prospective Clients can also make contact with us direct at for further information and assistance with regard to the Application for the relevant Insurance / Warranty Cover. Prospective Clients will be required to complete a confidential questionnaire and Due Diligence process, after which accreditation will take place and Clients will be provided with indicative terms and conditions for consideration by their decision-making bodies. ​​​

Apply for the CloudSure Program