EnergSure for Gated Communities - E4GC

E4GC is an innovative concept that InovaSure has converted to a product and is positioning itself to be the first SOUTH AFRICAN LIVING SECURITY PROGRAM for GATED COMMUNITIES. In order to be able to achieve this goal, InovaSure has entered into various Joint Ventures with network partners and affiliates.

InovaSure’s intent is to assist Gated Community Trustees / Administrators with the energy provision related challenges that they are facing.

We believe that choosing a Protection Plan / Warranty route to "ensure" a power generation / storage / distribution / metering / load shedding / outage problem combined with a telecommunication solution is very innovative. Traditionally, insurance companies provide clients against a commercial risk or medical loss, damage, illness, disability or death and suchlike in return for payment of a contracted ONE PAYOR premium, but do not cover these realities.

Accredited gated communities, through the auspices of their Trustees or Administrative structures, will qualify for a custom-made enerGsecure E4GC Program.

Our E4GC Program is described as the following:

The “ensured” dispatch, storage, stable distribution and metering of a secure supply of energy by InovaSure to a designated GATED COMMUNITY in return for a monthly all inclusive Payment over the Service Level Agreement's lifespan.

Application for the E4GC Program

For registration of interest in the EnergSure for Gated Communities - E4GC Program, kindly complete the form and click the Apply button below.


    Full Name of Applicant/Representative of Applicant *

    Email of Applicant / Representative of Applicant *

    Applicant Company / Organisation Name *

    Applicant Company / Organisation Phone Number *

    Applicant Company / Organisation Address *

    Company / Organisation Main Business *

    Details of Main purpose for which the Cover is required*

    Prospective Clients can also make contact with us direct at for further information and assistance with regard to the Application for the relevant "Ensurance" / Warranty Cover. Prospective Clients will be required to complete a confidential questionnaire and Due Diligence process, after which accreditation will take place and Clients will be provided with indicative terms and conditions for consideration by their decision-making bodies.